Below are the umpiring requirements at LYVNA:
1. Must hold current Netball Victoria Membership
2. 18+ must hold current Working with Children Card
3. Must have current accreditation: -
Rules of Netball pass mark 70% or more and/or Foundation Umpires Course Certificate
Both valid for 4 years (effective 1/1/17)
4. Badged umpires for 9’s, lowest 11’s, 17’s and Open
5. Experienced Umpires for 11-1, 13-1 and 15’s – NO RUNNERS!
6. Supervisors/Supporters
a. Runners MUST BE available for whole game!
b. Must wear “WHITE” (no Club colours)
c. Not use whistle!
d. Be ready to offer feedback and assistance as needed
7. Umpires and Umpire Supporter/Runner MUST maintain your concentration and attention whilst Umpiring/Supporting throughout the game
8. Umpires MUST be aware of roster when signing in for game time, against club/team no
9. Umpires and Umpire Supporter/Runner MUST sign in 10 minutes before your rostered game
10. Must wear ‘WHITES’ when rostered to umpire – No Trackpants or leggings! (exception 9’s)
11. Please do not allow anyone to distract you from your task
12. SEND for a Supervisor if ANY problems occur during the game
13. A non-playing Umpire MAY umpire up to 3 games per day BUT must have A BREAK between - NOT 3 in a row
A playing umpire MAY umpire 2 games and Play BUT must have a BREAK between - NOT 3 in a row
14. An Umpire MUST be physically fit and active to Umpire their rostered games! If for any reason an Umpire is unwell or injured, they should inform their Club Convenor to arrange a replacement.
15. It is the Umpire’s responsibility to be able to perform to the best of their ability, to make fair and considerate decisions without bias